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Youth Theater


Magnified Gift Theater Company is committed to training and educating the next generation of actors and performers. Our education opportunities aim to reflect the integrity and quality of our main stage work, so children receive the same skills in our training that is needed by the excellent performers in our productions.


Our mission is both artistic and civic; whether a child grows up to be an actor, teacher, dentist, or postal worker, the skills necessary to become a great community member are equal for everyone. We are committed to presenting classes and intensives through teaching theatre, expressly influencing the community, developing confident voices, and igniting strong authorship of ideas.




Introduction to Acting
Ages 10-17  8 Weeks. $300 Saturdays  9am-12pm 
Students will learn the basic principles of theater through instruction and active theater games. The games prepare young performers to confidently take the stage. The final day children will perform.


*Class Size: Minimum of 4, Maximum of 6 Students



Beginning Acting 

Ages 10-17 8 weeks

Students will learn the basic skills of theater through instruction and develop critical thinking skills.  The class enhances the student's ability to enjoy, appreciate and communicate the aesthetic principles of theatre as a collaborative and necessary art and a reflection of the human experience, historically and contemporarily.


Intermediate Acting 

Ages 11-17   8 Weeks
Students will start to explore character development through monologues and short scenes. Children will also learn basic audition techniques for film and stages throughout the professional theater industry.


Advanced Acting 

Ages 11-17  8 Weeks
This advance acting course explores methods of acting on a professional stage in the theater industry. Students will also learn script analysis skills that are fundamental to any emerging actor in the industry.  It enables students to build up their levels of literacy and critical thinking skills. The class ends with presenting 3-5 minute scenes that challenge your children to be part of a small ensemble.





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